Getting Started

1. Install SvelteFireTS and Firebase

npm i -D sveltefirets firebase or pnpm add -D sveltefirets firebase

2. Add Firebase Project Config Via Env Variables

  • Add your Firebase config object for the project you use to develop with to a .env file in the same folder as svelte.config.js as a string:
  • SvelteFireTS will use these values the first time it is called to initialize. This will save your client side start time a few moments on pages that don't utilize Firebase if applicable.

  • If needing to access the config values in your site, just import { firebaseConfig } from 'sveltefirets;

  • Any config placed into your hosting provider's env variables (e.g. Vercel) under the PUBLIC_FIREBASE_CONFIG key will automatically override these and allow for easy use of different projects between dev and production.

    • When using SvelteFireTS in non-SvelteKit environments, a file that exports PUBLIC_FIREBASE_CONFIG as a string will need to be aliased to $env/static/public as this library expects that to be available. If this is not workable in your use case, feel free to submit a PR that updates config.ts to process.env.PUBLIC_FIREBASE_CONFIG server-side or window.PUBLIC_FIREBASE_CONFIG client side.
  • If wanting to share config between projects in a monorepo set the envDir property in your vite.config.js to ../ or ../../ as applicable and place the .env file in the repo root.

3. Use

You are ready to use SvelteFireTS in any manner described in these docs!

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